30 June 2010

Choi Minseok

He is minho's brotherKuliah di Seoul National University udah bisa dibilang pinter dan waktu search di google tambah shock lagi "School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering". yah,enggak yakin 100% fakultasnya, soalnya nama choi min seok pasti banyak banget. mhehehehehehe

beda banget sama adeknya yang *ehem*. yah, saya mengerti dia sibuk. tapi sumpah tetep ngakak ngeliat video ini..

A: his score are almost same as ours, minho needs to study harder, I'll give you the score for one subject.
MC: please tell us
A: chinese writing, 16 points
*semua ngakak*
MC: even if u guessed all the answer, you'll get a better score. you can get at least 40 points just by guessing

1 comment:

celeste said...

Accidentally I stumbled upon your blog when I was looking for Minho's older brother ^^

Wah, Minho's brother is so smart! Tapi mau ngoreksi dikit aja, Minho ga lantas bodoh kok ^^

kalo kamu nonton ulang lagi dream team episode itu, nilai ujian yang cuma 16 point itu bukan punya dia tapi punya temen sekelasnya (at 00:33 "The Name is different" - "That's because you have to switch your seats when you take an exam")

jadi itu kertas ulangan temen sekolah Minho yg tukeran tempat duduk dng dia pas ujian, Bukan punya Minho ^^

Minho sendiri masuk top 10 di sekolahnya bukan? Jadi agak ga mungkin kalau top 10 student ada nilai 16 di rapornya, standar nilai sekolah di sana kan tinggi tuh :D

thank you~ ^^